Login to BloodHound
- POSTLogin to BloodHound
- POSTLogout of BloodHound
- GETGet self
- GETList SAML Providers
- GETGet all SAML sign on endpoints
- POSTCreate a New SAML Provider from Metadata
- GETGet SAML Provider
- DELDelete a SAML Provider
- GETList SSO Providers
- POSTCreate OIDC Provider
- POSTCreate a New SAML Provider from Metadata
- DELDelete SSO Provider
- PATCHUpdate SSO Provider
- GETGet SAML Provider Signing Certificate
BloodHound Users
- GETList Users
- POSTCreate a New User
- GETGet a user
- DELDelete a User
- PATCHUpdate a User
- PUTCreate or Set User Secret
- DELExpire User Secret
- POSTEnrolls user in multi-factor authentication
- DELUnenroll user from multi-factor authentication
- GETReturns MFA activation status for a user
- POSTActivates MFA for an enrolled user
Collection Uploads
Asset Isolation
- GETList all asset isolation groups
- POSTCreate an asset group
- GETGet asset group by ID
- PUTUpdate an asset group
- DELDelete an asset group
- GETList asset group collections
- PUTUpdate asset group selectors
- POSTUpdate asset group selectors
- DELDelete an asset group selector
- GETGet asset group custom member count
- GETList all asset isolation group members
- GETList asset group member count by kind
Azure Entities
- GETGet computer entity info
- GETGet computer entity admin rights
- GETGet computer entity admins
- GETGet computer entity constrained delegation rights
- GETGet computer entity constrained users
- GETGet computer entity controllables
- GETGet computer entity controllers
- GETGet computer entity DCOM rights
- GETGet computer entity DCOM users
- GETGet computer entity group membership
- GETGet computer entity remote PowerShell rights
- GETGet computer entity remote PowerShell users
- GETGet computer entity RDP rights
- GETGet computer entity RDP users
- GETGet computer entity sessions
- GETGet computer entity SQL admins
- GETGet domain entity info
- PATCHUpdate the Domain entity
- GETGet domain entity computers
- GETGet domain entity controllers
- GETGet domain entity DC Syncers
- GETGet domain entity foreign admins
- GETGet domain entity foreign GPO controllers
- GETGet domain entity foregin groups
- GETGet domain entity foreign users
- GETGet domain entity GPOs
- GETGet domain entity groups
- GETGet domain entity inbound trusts
- GETGet domain entity linked GPOs
- GETGet domain entity OUs
- GETGet domain entity outbound trusts
- GETGet domain entity users
AD Users
- GETGet User entity info
- GETGet User entity admin rights
- GETGet User entity constrained delegation rights
- GETGet User entity controllables
- GETGet User entity controllers
- GETGet User entity DCOM rights
- GETGet User entity membership
- GETGet User entity PowerShell remote rights
- GETGet User entity RDP rights
- GETGet User entity sessions
- GETGet User entity SQL admin rights
- GETGet Group entity info
- GETGet Group entity admin rights
- GETGet Group entity controllables
- GETGet Group entity controllers
- GETGet Group entity DCOMRights
- GETGet Group entity members
- GETGet Group entity memberships
- GETGet Group entity PowerShell remote rights
- GETGet Group entity RDP rights
- GETGet Group entity sessions
Data Quality
Client Ingest
- GETList Clients
- POSTCreate Client
- POSTClient Error
- PUTUpdate Client Values
- GETGet Client
- PUTUpdate Client
- DELDelete Client
- PUTRegenerate the authentication token for a client
- GETList all completed tasks for a client
- GETList all completed jobs for a client
- POSTCreates a scheduled task
- POSTCreates a scheduled job
Events (Schedules)
Attack Paths
Risk Posture
Meta Entities
Login to BloodHound
Login to BloodHound with user credentials or a one time password.
"data": {
"user_id": "54623566-213a-4490-9c68-ac44c39b6590",
"auth_expired": false,
"session_token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoiNTQ2MjM1NjYtMjEzYS00NDkwLTljNjgtYWM0NGMzOWI2NTkwIiwidXNlciI6ImNvb2xfdXNlckBibG9vZGhvdW5kZW50ZXJwcmlzZS5pbyIsImlhdCI6MTUxNjIzOTAyMn0.1WWo7XpE9a-v6MQ9tHC8ikxmvmS3PuD7bJyNi4hPr_Y"
Prefer header, used to specify a custom timeout in seconds using the wait parameter as per RFC7240.
Required range:
x >= 0
The request body for logging into the application. `secret` *or* `otp` is required, but not both.
The type of login. Currently only secret
is supported.
Available options:
The password for the user. This field can be used instead of otp
The One Time Password for a single login. This field can be used instead of secret
"data": {
"user_id": "54623566-213a-4490-9c68-ac44c39b6590",
"auth_expired": false,
"session_token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoiNTQ2MjM1NjYtMjEzYS00NDkwLTljNjgtYWM0NGMzOWI2NTkwIiwidXNlciI6ImNvb2xfdXNlckBibG9vZGhvdW5kZW50ZXJwcmlzZS5pbyIsImlhdCI6MTUxNjIzOTAyMn0.1WWo7XpE9a-v6MQ9tHC8ikxmvmS3PuD7bJyNi4hPr_Y"