SharpHound collects data from domain-joined systems utilizing SMB/RPC on port 445/TCP and requires the account running SharpHound (e.g., the SharpHound Enterprise gMSA) to have local administrator membership on each system in scope, see SharpHound Data Collection and Permissions.

This article can assist in troubleshooting why a local collection is not successful for all systems in scope.

Computer status logfile

The computer status logfile, named compstatus.csv contains information about the collection results for each system in the collection’s scope.

  • SharpHound Enterprise: Generates one compstatus.csv per local collection job (Sessions and/or Local Groups) and stores it within the log_archive directory on the SharpHound Enterprise server. The default location for this is %APPDATA%\\Roaming\\BloodHound Enterprise - that is, App Data for the service account running the SharpHound Enterprise service. However, you may override this location within settings.json, see SharpHound Enterprise Local Configuration.

  • SharpHound Community Edition: Will generate compstatus.csv when run with the DumpComputerStatus flag.

Analyzing compstatus.csv

The first step in troubleshooting local collection issues is by identifying and understanding errors in compstatus.csv.

BloodHound Enterprise customers can reach out to their Technical Account Manager (TAM) for support in this analysis.

Alternatively, you may do your own troubleshooting by utilizing the below example PowerShell commands and the process described below the code block.

### Import data and get uniques without sorting them
$stats_file = Import-Csv -Path 'FILE_PATH_HERE' | Group-Object ComputerName, Task, Status, IPAddress | ForEach-Object { $_.Group[0] }

### Status Pivot Table - Exclude GetMembersInAlias as it's irrelevant for troubleshooting
$stats_file | Where-Object {$_.Task -NotLike 'GetMembersInAlias -*'} | Group-Object Task, Status -NoElement | Format-Table -Autosize

### Pivot table for failures only
$stats_file |  Where-Object {$_.Status -ne "Success"} | Group-Object Task,Status -NoElement | Format-Table -Autosize

### Which systems were unreachable on 445/TCP
$stats_file | Where-Object {$_.Task -eq "ComputerAvailability" -and $_.Status -eq "PortNotOpen"}

### IPv4 /24 subnets unreachable on 445/TCP
$stats_file | Where-Object {$_.Task -eq "ComputerAvailability" -and $_.Status -eq "PortNotOpen" -and $_.IPAddress -match '^(?:[0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3}$'} | Group-Object {$_.IPAddress.Remove($_.IPAddress.LastIndexOf('.'))+'.0/24'} -NoElement | Sort-Object -property Count | Format-Table -Autosize

### IPv4 /16 subnets unreachable on 445/TCP
$stats_file | Where-Object {$_.Task -eq "ComputerAvailability" -and $_.Status -eq "PortNotOpen" -and $_.IPAddress -match '^(?:[0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3}$'} | Group-Object {($_.IPAddress.split(".")[0..1] -join ".") + ".0.0/16"} -NoElement | Sort-Object -property Count | Format-Table -Autosize

### Which systems are missing permissions
$stats_file | Where-Object {$_.Status -eq "ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED" -or $_.Status -eq "StatusAccessDenied"}

To understand and resolve the errors outputted by the commands, you must understand the process involved in SharpHound’s local collection, described below.

Domain computer enumeration

First, SharpHound queries a Domain Controller to list every enabled computer object in the domain. Every enumerated system will be represented by one or more lines in compstatus.csv.


Next, SharpHound performs the ComputerAvailability check, which filters out inactive computers, so that SharpHound only connects to active computers to collect Local Groups and Sessions later on in the process.

Each active computer object is checked to see whether it is a Windows OS. Local collection is not supported for any OS besides Windows.

If the system is not a Windows OS, SharpHound will not perform additional checks on the system.

  • If a system fails this check, compstatus.csv will contain a line for the system with the result Task = ComputerAvailability and Status = NonWindowsOS.

  • If a Windows system is incorrectly marked with NonWindowsOS; ensure that the system’s AD computer object attribute [operatingSystem]( is set to a string representing a Windows OS.

If the system is a Windows OS, SharpHound proceeds with the next set of checks:

  1. Check if the system has changed it’s password within the duration set for ComputerPasswordResetWindow in SharpHound’s settings.json.
    • If a system fails this check, compstatus.csv will contain a line for the system with the result Task = ComputerAvailability and Status = PwdLastSetOutOfRange.
    • If an active system is incorrectly marked with PwdLastSetOutOfRange, try one of the following:
      • Ensure that the ComputerPasswordResetWindow key in SharpHound’s settings.json has a value corresponding to the computer’s security policy [Domain member: Maximum machine account password age]( By default this value is 60 days. A description of the ComputerPasswordResetWindow value is found the article SharpHound Enterprise Local Configuration.
      • Ensure that the system’s password is changing as expected: Confirm that the system’s AD computer object attribute [pwdLastSet]( has been changed within the period defined in the computer’s security policy Domain member: Maximum machine account password age
  2. Check if the system has TCP port 445 (SMB) open.
    • If a system fails this check, compstatus.csv will contain a line for the system with the result Task = ComputerAvailability and Status = PortNotOpen.
    • If an active system is incorrectly marked with PortNotOpen, try one of the following:
      • Ensure that the system running SharpHound can reach the system checked on TCP port 445. From the SharpHound system, run:
    Test-NetConnection -ComputerName <HOST> -Port 445

(replace <HOST> with the system’s DNS name as seen in compstatus.csv).

  • Ensure that the system running SharpHound can reach the system checked on TCP port 445 within 500ms. From the SharpHound system, run:
    Measure-Command { Test-NetConnection -ComputerName <HOST> -Port 445 }

(replace <HOST> with the system’s DNS name as seen in compstatus.csv).

  • Ensure that the system’s DNS name found in compstatus.csv can be resolved, and matches the system’s DNS name in Active Directory. From the SharpHound system, check the name can be resolved by running:
    Resolve-DnsName -Name <HOST>

(replace <HOST> with the system’s DNS name as seen in compstatus.csv).

  • Ensure that a network layer above TCP (e.g., SMB) is not being blocked by a security solution, such as an IDPS.

After these steps, if the system is not available, no further collection attempts are made.

If a system is found available, compstatus.csv will contain a line for it with the result Task = ComputerAvailability and Status = Success.

Next, SharpHound will start the actual collection of Sessions and/or Local Groups.

Local Groups

This collection gathers two types of data points:

  1. Local group memberships
  2. User Rights Assignment

Local group memberships

First, SharpHound connects via RPC with SamConnect.

  • If unsuccessful, compstatus.csv will contain a line for the system with the result Task = SamConnect and a status depending on the error type.
    • Status = -1073610725 means SharpHound account is not in the system’s local administrators group.
    • Status = StatusRpcServerUnavailable means SharpHound cannot access RPC or SMB on the system. Ensure that the system running SharpHound can reach the system checked on SMB.
  • If successful, SharpHound continues with the method GetMembersInAlias as detailed below.

Next, SharpHound connects via RPC with GetMembersInAlias.

  • If unsuccessful, compstatus.csv will contain a line for the system with the result Task = GetMembersInAlias and a status depending on the error type.
  • If successful compstatus.csv will contain one line per local group in system with the result Task = GetMembersInAlias - <LOCAL GROUP NAME> and “Status = Success’

User Rights Assignment

First, SharpHound connects via RPC with LSAOpenPolicy.

  • If unsuccessful, compstatus.csv will contain a line for the system with the result Task = LSAOpenPolicy and a status depending on the error type.
    • Status = StatusRpcServerUnavailable means SharpHound cannot access RPC or SMB on the system. Ensure that the system running SharpHound can reach the system via SMB.
  • If successful, SharpHound continues with the method LSAEnumerateAccountsWithUserRight as detailed below.

Next, sharpHound connects via RPC with LSAEnumerateAccountsWithUserRight.

  • If unsuccessful, compstatus.csv will contain a line for the system with the result Task = LSAEnumerateAccountsWithUserRight and a status depending on the error type.
    • Status = StatusAccessDenied means SharpHound account is not in the Local Administrators group.
  • If successful, compstatus.csv will contain one line per local group in system with the result Task = LSAEnumerateAccountsWithUserRight and “Status = Success’


This collection gathers logon sessions via RPC with NetWkstaUserEnum.

  • If unsuccessful, compstatus.csv will contain a line for the system with the result Task = NetWkstaUserEnum and a status depending on the error type.
    • Status = ErrorAccessDenied means SharpHound account is not in the Local Administrators group.
    • Status = 53 means SharpHound cannot access RPC or SMB on the system. Ensure that the system running SharpHound can reach the system via SMB.
  • If successful compstatus.csv will contain one line per local group with the result Task = NetWkstaUserEnum and “Status = Success’